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DC potentiometer,直流电位差计dead zone,盲区debugging,调试decade resistance box,十进电阻箱decrement ratio,减幅比deflection,挠度deflecting torque,偏转力矩dehumidifier,除湿器deflection method,偏位法demagnetizer,退磁机;退磁装置densitometer,密度计;黑度计density of snow,积雪密度density logger,密度测井仪depth bellows,深波纹管density(photographic),(照相的)黑度depth controller,深度控制器derivative action coefficient,微分作用系数derivative unit,微分器detectability (chromatographic),(色谱)检测限diagnostic model,诊断模型diaphragm,膜片;隔膜;保护膜differential coil,差动线圈differential piston,差动活塞diffraction lens,衍射透镜digital phase meter,数字相位表digital valve,数字阀disc plug,盘形阀芯dispersive crystal,分光晶体


本文从电源性和负载性两方面来阐述线性受控电源的二重性 .在其电源性的阐述中 ,突破了应用叠加定理的禁区 ,并对同一应用实例从其电源性和负载性两方面阐述 ,得出相互一致、协调的结果 ,进而将受控电源的电源性和负载性辩证地统一起来 ,使受控电源的理论更加完美
译文:This essay expounds the duality of the linear controlled source from its properties of source and loading. In explaining the source property, the essay, breaking through the forbidden zone of the superpositions theorem, expounds both properties of source and loading on the same applied cases so as to obtain the consistent and harmonious results, Thus it dialectically unifies the two properties of controlled source and makes the theory perfect
Based on Controlled Source which also is power supply, and according to the superposition of linear circuits and equal effect principle, we make first step study on how Controlled Source produces an effect on circuits independently with its non control equality. The analysis shows that, like independent source, linear controlled source can produce an effect on circuits independently. It not only follows superposition well, but also can make some actions uncontrollably.